I would like to to play bowls but I don't know anyone who can teach me.
The club runs FREE coaching sessions every Friday morning from 10.00 to 11.00 am unless the greens are required for tournaments or competition. Accredited coaches are present to give you tuition and help you during the learning stage.
What is Barefoot Bowls?
Barefoot bowls is a fun game where you can play in bare feet or socks rather than the approved type of footwear. It is a fun way to try out the sport and mix with others before you join a club. Sandhills Sports Club may organise a game of barefoot bowls on a Thursday night. Please call in to Sandhills Sports Club to arrange.
Can I learn to play if I don't have any bowls?
How can I join Bargara Bowls Club?
Visit the club, introduce yourself to an official and ask for a ‘membership application form’. Complete the form and request a committee or club member to help you through the joining process.
How do I know when I can play bowls at Bargara ?
The club produces an annual calendar. This is available under the ‘LAWN BOWLS’ heading in PDF format for viewing or download.
How do I put my name down for a game of bowls?
For game times and requirements please visit the social bowls page.
Who runs the Bargara Bowls Club and forum ?
The Bargara Bowls Club is governed by the Management Committee which is elected, by the club members at the annual general meeting (AGM). This committee comprises the Chairman, secretary Treasurer, Ladies President, Men’s President and two (2) executive members.
The Ladies and Men’s Presidents then each form a sub committee or the day to day running of Ladies, Men’s and mixed/open bowls events. While the subcommittees are vital to the functioning of the club they do not control club funds. The Management Committee has the complete control of all club monies, equipment and plant.
who tells the Management Committee how they should run the club ?
The Club administration is controlled by the Constitution and By-Laws approved, by members, with a 75% majority at a general meeting. The constitution and By-Laws and any subsequent changes to them must be approved by the Office of Fair Trading before they can be officially accepted.
The Club Treasurer is required to submit the clubs financial records for audit before presenting his annual report to the club members.
Game Control
In the absence of any male umpires in the Bargara Bowls Club, it is dependent on skips to agree on a ruling for most common occurrences. A copy of the Australian Laws of Bowls will be placed in the Office for anyone to peruse to help settle disputes. These books are also available from the Secretary Jess Cannon for $12-00 each. We will highlight a law on a regular basis:
Can the club discipline members for bad behaviour?
Yes paragraph 9 of the Club Constitution details the actions open to the Management Committee and their rights and responsibilities in this matter. Subsequent paragraphs detail the members rights and their avenue for appeal against the committees decision if they feel the outcome is unjust or too harsh.
What is the Greens Policy?